Our plumbing hasn’t been working this past week, which has made for some interesting situations. Last night around three in the morning in my state of delirium I needed to pee so badly it was making me sick. My car was trapped in front of Lacy’s so I couldn’t drive to a public restroom and I didn’t want to wake her up. So what’s a girl to do?! I figured the only logical thing was to pee in the backyard. I know you’re thinking I’m strange right now. It wouldn’t be so strange though if I was a boy or a dog. But because I’m a girl its socially frowned upon. So this morning while Lacy and her brother are on the roof fixing the plumbing (Lacy is Wonder Woman by the way) I confess to them both that I peed in the backyard. Lacy says “Confession, I peed in the shower last night.” Chelsi, our more normal roommate, drove to Smiths like a normal person and used a bathroom.
13 years ago